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Saturday 17 March 2007


hello! i just came back from the show yesterday night and i thought it was quite wonderful! really nice. i like the part where marlin and dory went into the whale thing. so cool. anyway here are some pictures. i finally got the ice thing. i got it in a nemo. mama wanted me to get squirt(turtle) and kak arlin wanted bruce(shark). but i got nemo. and i also got a hat! i got it free when we bought the cotton candy. that huge bag of cotton candy is really delicious. still not finished yet. and its really very soft. i was still a bit sick. and it was the same night when i went for bowling in the afternoon. i went for the only bowling thing in the afternoon and i felt like fainting when we were doing the drills. i got all dizzy.

mama and me and i'm wearing the nemo hat.
mama looks like she's feeding the shark.

kak arlin and me.

squirt and his other turtle dudes.

the whale i was talking about that swallowed marlin and dory.

all the fishies after nemo re-united with his daddy.

me and kak arlin and she's wearing the nemo hat.

i look so ugly by the fat. and round. eww...
well anyway thanks kak arlin for bringing me to this show! so fun and exciting and thank you mama for the cotton candy and the popcorn and the ice thing! thank you soooo much. i've been wanting that since little mermaid. thank you thank you. i love you both! bye dude! like crush the cool turtle. fish are friends...not food!
arnee wartini amir

'she blogged at 16:17

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The Sisters are

Our Birthdays

Nene: 22 April 1981
Arlin: 31 May 1983
Arnee: 22 March 1995


Nene: Previously Sweden, Currently Singapore
Arlin: Neverland
Arnee: Singapore


Nene: Aslan, Writing, Cooking
Arlin: Shoes, Travel, Marco Borsato
Arnee: Karaoke, Going out, Dancing

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Nene: Everything
Arlin: Dutch music
Arnee: MotionCitySoundtrack

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